Steem Witness Update Tool

This tool allows you to broadcast your witness update on the steem blockchain. It requires Your Active Key. You can send updates on witness properties such as Creation Fee, URL etc.

Your Witness Account ID: (URL parameter ?account=justyy)
URL: (URL parameter ?url= Signing Key: (URL parameter ?key=STM11....) Properties: (URL parameter ?properties={})

The page integrates Steem-Js Library (ver 0.7.7). You would need to enter Private Active Key (which is pretty safe as it stays only locally in your browser).

The Core SteemJs code to broadcast a Witness Update Operation is:

const props = {}; // could be empty to use default
steem.broadcast.witnessUpdate(WIF, account, url, signing_key, props, fee, function(err, result) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log("Successfully Witness Update: ", result);

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URL parameter: ?nocache

Created and Maintained by @justyy. All rights Reserved ©, 2024. 中文: Steem 见证人更新工具