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Steem Mutual Witness Report - Who Hasn't Voted You Back?

This tool allows you to view a list of mutual steemit witnesses. And it also allows you to see who (your votes) hasn't voted you back.

Created and maintained by @justyy. Chinese Version: Steem 查看相互见证人投票

STEEM ID: (URL parameter ?id=justyy)

View Other Steem Tools and APIs | Vote @justyy a Witness or Set @justyy as Proxy

URL parameter: ?nocache

Get Steem Mutual Witness Report - API (Application Programming Interface)

API Calling Example is:
It will return JSON-encoded data which has the following three sub-arrays: If $_GET parameter s is not specified, this API will use the $_POST variable id instead.
curl -X POST -d "id=justyy"

Steem API Servers

You could use the following Steem API servers globally (free of charge, subject to fair use policy):
  1. Load Balancer:

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