Steem Blockchain APIs by @justyy

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We get massive API requests that flood the server therefore it is sad that we have to turn off most of the 'public' APIs. The API access might be offered if you contact @justyy with more details (e.g. what you need APIs for). The API offers great stability and performance.

API End-point: /api/steemit/.
The following is a list of Steem APIs with example usages.
Parameters can be passed by either GET or POST methods.
When passing via GET, the API results will be cached to CDN servers (1 hour expiry) if you add ?cached to the API end point.

Free Steem APIs

Currently no authentication is required to use the following APIs, and also no Rate Limit is imposed.

Advanced Steem APIs

Steem API Examples

$ curl -X POST --data "id=justyy"

$ curl -X GET ""

Steem API Servers

You could use the following four SteemIt API servers (availability 24/7) globally (free of charge, subject to fair use policy). We recommend using the API Load Balancer
  1. Load Balancer:

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